reflection 2


short film of Jodi reflecting on her experience seeing several of Brunelleschi's churches in Florence, Italy especially Santo Spirito

May 24, 2004

Brunelleschi's Santo Spirito

Jodi is a student in the MAT program. She chose Brunelleshi's Church of Santo Spirito in Florence to research for our study abroad project.

The video documentation of her relflection was done in several parts: her initial research shared before we experiened the site, review of the research again just after experiencing the site and her reflections afterwards at the hotel. It became a more interesting story because of the extra time we spent filming on location and later in the hotel. As you can hear there were problems with the acustics though. Sorry about the audio in some places.

The story of the completion of the church has many twists and turns. Commissioned in 1434 the actual work started in 1444 when the finances became available. Brunelleschi died two years later with only one column rising out of the foundation. The church was finished by a long string of master builders with their own ideas. None really stayed the course of Brunelleschi's original design.

If further research is needed to understand the story of Santo Spirito, Bruno Zevi's book "Architecture as space" illustrates Brunelleschi's original design.

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